
(2024) Darwin, 11, Explains SPD

February-April 2024 issue of Autism Digest.

In the revised chapter book, “The Out-of-Sync Family: A Story about Sensory Differences,” Darwin (age 11) introduces SPD to children and other newbies. Read the excerpt in “Autism Digest.”

(2023) David A. Bainbridge Uses His SPD to Design Better Buildings

November 2023-January 2024 issue of Autism Digest.

Rather than getting in the way, SPD can lead the way to solutions for the greater good, such as creating work environments with healthy air, light, and space.

Read the article here.

(2023) “I’m Allergic to Apples” and Other Excuses: Nonsensical or Intelligent?

August-October issue of Autism Digest.

To get along at home and school without upsetting everyone, children with SPD come up with brilliant excuses to avoid uncomfortable situations. Let’s strive to understand the underlying reasons for their behavior and applaud them for being so smart!

Read the article here.

(2023) SPD’s Effect on Sleeping

May-July issue of Autism Digest.

Read about how sensory processing differences affect children’s ability to fall asleep and stay asleep, and find some helpful suggestions.

Read the article here.

(2023) SPD’s Effect on Toileting

February-April issue of Autism Digest.

Remind yourself about how sensory processing differences affect children’s toileting, and learn some suggestions to help.

Read the article here.

(2022) SPD’S Effect On Eating

November-January issue of Autism Digest.

Read about how sensory processing challenges can affect eating, and find some suggestions to help out-of-sync children who are picky eaters.

Read the article here.

(2022) That Pesky D in SPD

August-September issue of Autism Digest.

Time to change the “D” in “SPD”!  Sensory Processing Differences is more accurate and inclusive than the terms Sensory Processing Disorder or Dysfunction.  The fact that a child avoids swings or craves messy play may mean that she processes senses atypically, not that she is abnormal, has mental illness, or can’t function in daily life.

Read the article here.