Why Movement Experiences Are Prerequisites for Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic

At Fairy Dust's annual "Free to Play" Summit, Carol discusses "Why Movement Experiences Are Prerequisites for Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic." The free summit will run for three days: May 18 (Brain Research & Play), May 19 (Social/Emotional Development & Play), and May 20 (Nature, Movement & Materials). Click here for your free pass and to learn how to get unlimited access.

Getting and Keeping Your Child’s Vision In Sync

Carol Kranowitz and Joye Newman will present a live webinar as one of Therapro's free seminars. Based on their "In-Sync Child" publications, the hour will present an overview of how vision develops and how it affects all learning and behavior. Learning objectives include reviewing the difference between visual acuity and visual processing; recognizing how lifelong challenges can arise from inaccurately processing the visual world; and understanding how active play offsets deleterious effects of screen time.

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How to Build Your Own In-Sync Child Activities at Home, School or Clinic

Carol Kranowitz and Joye Newman will present a live webinar as one of Therapro's free seminars. Based on their publications, this hour will focus on the "In-Sync Child" Activities method. Objectives include understanding the simple formula for designing activities for sensory, perceptual, and visual development; learning about the new card game, "Move!"; and making up an activity or two, on the spot.

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