(2020) Cooped-Up Kids with Sensory Challenges

Virtual , United States

Part of the Autism-in-Lockdown / COVID-19 Webinar Series for the Autism Society Inland Empire.  This series is geared for family members and professionals who are distance-learning with students with autism and developmental disabilities, preschool through 8th grade.

In-Sync Activities to Get Kids Moving

Sponsored by Growing Healthy Children Therapy Services in Rescue, California, in their "Connections" series.  Carol shares some simple, regulating, and fun movement activities with a few pieces of "beautiful junk"…

Activities from the In-Sync Child Program

Carol offers several fun activities from the In-Sync Child program at the free online conference, "Raising Uniquely Wired Kids: Parenting with Peace, Connection and Confidence," sponsored by Whole Brain Gym.

Summer In Sync: Learning and Growing Through Movement

Joye Newman and Carol Kranowitz presented a Zoom workshop to parents and teachers of Beauvoir, the National Cathedral Elementary School, in Washington, DC. They showed how movement experiences are prerequisites for reading, writing, and arithmetic.

The In-Sync Child Method

Carol and Joye discuss their In-Sync Child method and materials in a broadcast with Upbility. Upbility is a group of specialists and educators who are creating a library of digital resources aimed at fulfilling all the special therapy and education needs of children and adolescents.   Materials are translated into Greek, French, Spanish, and Italian.

Q&A with Ana Elisa

Live, hour-long Q & A event with Ana Elisa Villalaz S., founder of The Global Autism Summit. Topics will cover the gamut, from "Out-of-Sync" sensory processing differences to "In Sync" activities and publications.

Workshop on Early Childhood Development

With Julia Berry, former Head of St. Columba's Nursery School.  Workshop for a Southern California group, the Los Angeles New Moms in COVID, about the basics of early childhood development, sensory processing, and suggestions for having fun with house-bound toddlers.