Getting and Keeping Your Child’s Vision In Sync

Carol Kranowitz and Joye Newman will present a live webinar as one of Therapro's free seminars. Based on their "In-Sync Child" publications, the hour will present an overview of how vision develops and how it affects all learning and behavior. Learning objectives include reviewing the difference between visual acuity and visual processing; recognizing how lifelong challenges can arise from inaccurately processing the visual world; and understanding how active play offsets deleterious effects of screen time.

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Delightful Activities for Children with SPD

For the community of Sensory Spectacle, a British organization, Carol will present an on-line discussion about fun and functional activities specifically geared for children with sensory processing differences including over-responsivity,  under-responsivity, sensory craving, motor coordination challenges, etc. Click here

How to Build Your Own In-Sync Child Activities at Home, School or Clinic

Carol Kranowitz and Joye Newman will present a live webinar as one of Therapro's free seminars. Based on their publications, this hour will focus on the "In-Sync Child" approach. Attendees will learn Joye and Carol's simple formula for designing activities for sensory, perceptual, and visual development; hear about their upcoming product, "Move!"; and make up an activity or two, on the spot.

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