Latest Past Events

Why Movement Experiences Are Prerequisites for Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic

At Fairy Dust's annual "Free to Play" Summit, Carol discusses "Why Movement Experiences Are Prerequisites for Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic." The free summit will run for three days: May 18 (Brain Research & Play), May 19 (Social/Emotional Development & Play), and May 20 (Nature, Movement & Materials). Click here for your free pass and to learn how to get unlimited access.

Understanding Sensory Processing Differences at Inkendaal, Belgium

An in-service, virtual workshop for the occupational therapists, speech-and-language pathologists, psychotherapists, and other professionals at Inkendaal Revalidatieziekenhuis (Rehabilitation Hospital Inkendaal) in Viezenbeek, Sint-Pieters-Leeuw, Belgium. The hospital aims to improve the quality of life and self-reliance of people with complex neurological disabilities.

The In-Sync Child in the 21st Century

Carol Kranowitz and Joye Newman will present a live webinar as one of Therapro's free seminars.  Based on their "In-Sync Child" publications, the hour will include an overview of sensory-, perceptual-, and visual-motor development, with an offering of several In-Sync activities that develop and enhance physical and emotional health and academic success.

Click here.