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The Out-of-Sync Child: Understanding SPD — Sponsored by Adat Shalom Inclusion Advisory Group
7727 Persimmon Tree Lane, BethesdaAn overview of Sensory Processing Disorder, how it affects children at school and home, and what parents and teachers can do to help their "out-of-sync" children. For members and friends of Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation. Stay tuned for details.
80 Sensorimotor Ways to Help Out-of-Sync Kids Communicate, Sponsored by ISHA
Sheraton Indianapolis City Centre, IndianapolisFriday Keynote at the 2017 - 80th Annual Spring Convention of the Indiana Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ISHA): "Around the World in 80 Years -- Celebrating the Art, Science and Miracle of Communication"
3 Events — Sponsored by Transformations Autism Treatment Center (TATC)
The Guest House at Graceland, MemphisKEYNOTE, 12:30 - 1:30 The Out-of-Sync Child Grows Up: Sensory Challenges in Adolescence …