
(2021) Guiding Grandma to “Get It” about SPD

Feb-Apr issue of Autism Asperger’s Sensory Digest. Grandma comes to visit and has advice about disciplining her touchy grandson. His parents set her straight with lists of how sensory processing challenges affect his eating, sleeping, and shampooing.  She begins to “get it.”

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(2020) 62 Means “Thank You”

Published in November 2020 – January 2021 issue of Autism Asperger’s Sensory Digest.

A little boy with an expressive language delay connects to his grown-ups through music and numbers.

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(2020) In-Sync Activities to Help Kids Cope with Being Cooped Up

A chapter in Autism-in-Lockdown: Expert Tips and Insights on Coping with the COVID-10 Pandemic (Future Horizons).

Being cooped up to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is especially challenging for children with autism and their grown-ups. Five “In-Sync” activities may help families learn how to incorporate sensory-motor experiences into their endless indoor days.

Among the 34 authors are Tony Attwood, Temple Grandin, Joye Newman, Carol Gray, Jed Baker, Cara Koscinski, Paula Aquilla, Nancy Kashman, Janet Mora, and Roya Ostovar.

Click here to order book.

(2020) Behavior Means Something

Published in August-October 2020 issue of Autism Asperger’s Sensory Digest.

When your child’s behavior mystifies you, put on your imaginary sensory spectacles and ask yourself three questions: What sensations does the child avoid? What sensations does the child constantly seek? What sensations calm the child?

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(2020) 7 Tips to Develop Children’s Self-Discipline

Published August 5 at

Seven suggestions to help your kids become more responsible and considerate — without nagging or shouting.

(2020) Time Inn: A Welcoming Accommodation

Published in May-July 2020 issue of Autism Asperger’s Sensory Digest.  

A cozy “getaway” place may be exactly what a child needs to calm down and get some necessary time alone before re-entering the group.

Click here.



(2020) Why Kids Love Building Forts — by Susan Margolin

Published May 18 in The Washington Post, on/line.

Children love building and snuggling into forts, and experts say that kids need private get-aways more than ever.

Click here.