Let’s Get In Sync! Fun & Functional Activities for Kids with ADHD and SPD — Sponsored by The Succeed with ADHD Telesummit (SWAT)
"In-Sync" activities can help children with ADHD and sensory challenges when the world is too much for them, or they are too much for the world. Suggested activities will help kids calm down, focus their attention, interact successfully with others, and actively participate in life.
Helping Kids with ADHD & Sensory Challenges Get “In Sync” — Sponsored by Smart Course
Interview with Adrien Harrison, founder of Smart Course, during the on-line conference, "ADHD in Middle School Summit." Dozens of experts will offer helpful suggestions for parents of middle-schoolers with special…
Sensory Challenges — Sponsored by Age of Light Innovations
Interview with Dr. Shelley James, director of Age of Light Innovations, about ways parents and teachers can help children whose development is adversely affected by excessive screen time and artificial…
Interview with Dr. Shelley James — sponsored by Age of Light
Dr. Shelley James, of Age of Light Innovations, interviews Carol Kranowitz, Joye Newman, and other experts and scientists from around the world. The free online interview series focuses on how lighting may be harming our children. Carol's focus is on sensory-motor activities to enhance healthy development and divert children from excessive time staring at electronic screens.
The Out-of-Sync Child Grows Up — Sponsored by STAR Institute for Sensory Processing
A 45-minute presentation as part of the pre-symposium parent workshop days at the 2020 STAR Sensory Symposium. The four-day livestream event, "Beyond the Surface: Reshaping Challenging Behaviors," for parents and…
Calming Sensory Activities for Kids — Sponsored by Parenting ADHD & Autism Summit
The entire Summit will run on-line October 19-22. Calming Sensory Activities for Kids (Carol Kranowitz, interviewed by Penny Williams) Modern brain science is proving the large role that sensory processing…
(2020) Cooped-Up Kids with Sensory Challenges
Virtual , United StatesPart of the Autism-in-Lockdown / COVID-19 Webinar Series for the Autism Society Inland Empire. This series is geared for family members and professionals who are distance-learning with students with autism and developmental disabilities, preschool through 8th grade.
In-Sync Activities to Get Kids Moving
Sponsored by Growing Healthy Children Therapy Services in Rescue, California, in their "Connections" series. Carol shares some simple, regulating, and fun movement activities with a few pieces of "beautiful junk"…
Activities from the In-Sync Child Program
Carol offers several fun activities from the In-Sync Child program at the free online conference, "Raising Uniquely Wired Kids: Parenting with Peace, Connection and Confidence," sponsored by Whole Brain Gym.
Summer In Sync: Learning and Growing Through Movement
Joye Newman and Carol Kranowitz presented a Zoom workshop to parents and teachers of Beauvoir, the National Cathedral Elementary School, in Washington, DC. They showed how movement experiences are prerequisites for reading, writing, and arithmetic.