Interview with Dr. Shelley James — sponsored by Age of Light

Dr. Shelley James, of Age of Light Innovations, interviews Carol Kranowitz, Joye Newman, and other experts and scientists from around the world.  The free online interview series focuses on how lighting may be harming our children. Carol's focus is on sensory-motor activities to enhance healthy development and divert children from excessive time staring at electronic screens. 

(2020) Cooped-Up Kids with Sensory Challenges

Virtual , United States

Part of the Autism-in-Lockdown / COVID-19 Webinar Series for the Autism Society Inland Empire.  This series is geared for family members and professionals who are distance-learning with students with autism and developmental disabilities, preschool through 8th grade.

In-Sync Activities to Get Kids Moving

Sponsored by Growing Healthy Children Therapy Services in Rescue, California, in their "Connections" series.  Carol shares some simple, regulating, and fun movement activities with a few pieces of "beautiful junk"…

Activities from the In-Sync Child Program

Carol offers several fun activities from the In-Sync Child program at the free online conference, "Raising Uniquely Wired Kids: Parenting with Peace, Connection and Confidence," sponsored by Whole Brain Gym.

Summer In Sync: Learning and Growing Through Movement

Joye Newman and Carol Kranowitz presented a Zoom workshop to parents and teachers of Beauvoir, the National Cathedral Elementary School, in Washington, DC. They showed how movement experiences are prerequisites for reading, writing, and arithmetic.

The In-Sync Child Method

Carol and Joye discuss their In-Sync Child method and materials in a broadcast with Upbility. Upbility is a group of specialists and educators who are creating a library of digital resources aimed at fulfilling all the special therapy and education needs of children and adolescents.   Materials are translated into Greek, French, Spanish, and Italian.